HRC conference call: $10 million raised since last night!

I, along with some 3,100 other Clinton supporters, just completed a conference call with the Senator, Campaign Chairman, Terry McAuliffe, and some of the fundraising staff. (Sorry – I didn’t catch all the names.) A couple of quick things:

  • All said that Clinton was outspent by about 3:1 in Pennsylvania
  • Since 10pm last night, Clinton has raised $10 million online, from some 60,000 new contributors
  • Looking at the electoral map, Clinton has won the Democratic states plus 4 key battleground states, representing some 285 electoral votes.

The Senator was quite pleased with the results last night, saying that as they look deeper into the results, there is more good news there. She said there was “a broad base of support that it will take to win in November.” Calling from Indianapolis, Clinton said this was her 50th visit there.

Of course, this call was really about the campaign’s needs: volunteers and money. If you can help out, please do so.

UPDATE: One thing I failed to note from the call was that Hillary now leads the so-called “popular vote” total. Now, I’m not a fan of any of the calculations of the popular vote. The fact is that four states that held caucuses – Iowa, Nevada, Washington & Maine – never released their popular vote total so any calculation is a guesstimate. Nevertheless, RCP shows the lead mentioned in the call. And this video? Well, I’ll let it do the talking 😉

23 thoughts on “HRC conference call: $10 million raised since last night!

  1. Simply put, No

    Preventing 2 major swing state the opportunity to re-vote is an “Obamanation” so feel free both KMA and STFU. After 2000, one would think no democrat would do such a thing. Apparently so called “democrats” backing barry will. So you bet your backside I will slam them every damn day they are giving the finger to 2.5 million voters (not the party leaders who lost your alleged game of roulette). If you don’t stand up to injustice, don’t expect justice.

    Take your anger over to the “hillbots”, “Fing whores”, “rednecks”, “racist”, “house n-word” name callers backing barry. They are the contemptible ones and pales in comparison to the obamanation (if you had any sense of humor you would see the double entendre in it) crack. You accuse me of peeing in the pool while you guys are leaving floaters. Your pablum of unity and kumbaya is really getting old and tiresome. Take it to somebody gullible and enough to buy it.

    I’m po’d enough to sent in another hundred to Hillary. Hell, I don’t even have to give up on 20 $5 cups of latte whatever to do it.

  2. Newport News Dem, you are lumping ALL supporters in the SAME boat, your rudeness and lack of tact is only matched by your disregard for fellow party members who don’t back the candidate that you back.
    WE are DEMOCRATS, if you want to beat up a Dem- change your name to Joe Lieberman.

    It’s been 8 years since I moved here and left the NN committee, I was a member for 7 years and on state central for 7. In all those years I have NEVER seen anyone within my party so slanderous towards a candidate. Not to mention that I have worked in 8 states on over 17 campaigns- local, state, and presidential.

    Here’s my point. Tone it WAY down. You are alienating Obama supporters such as myself and reflecting poorly on HRC supporters. I am only seeing this because I have seen primaries tear the party up in other states (only in recent years has VA have some heated primaries).
    I’m not saying dont support your candidate- do it, and do it passionately! But support doesn’t mean “slam” the other guy. And yeah, I’m said the same thing to other Obama supporters.

    Hostilliy towards other Democrats only creates more hostility. It’s not “a pablum of unity or kumbaya”, what it is is a shear reality check. I can tell you of people that I worked with in IA who haven’t spoken since the ’80 Carter/Kennedy election. Does that make sense- HELL NO! I had a very antagonistic relationship with my opponents field organizer- and what happens? I run into that person four years later during a different race. What I’m saying is, burning bridges is never smart and this is a small “pool”. Life is way too short and while people differ during primaries- remember that there is always the next election to look towards.
    I have not heard any of those insults to my face, but I dont hesitate to call out someone on either side for using slurs- racist or sexist. I can’t control what people post on blogs- not do I have the time to even attempt to. The only person I can truly be accountable for is me, and like I said- I don’t believe in Atwater politics.

    Only when we work together, can we have a Democratic majority. We have made so many strides since Mark Warner took over as party chair in 1993 and I have seen a once dead, limping party brought back to life since then. It makes me happy.

    So, I will not STFU or KYA. I will call you out- and anyone else on any side who gets nasty here. This is one of the most well written, informative blogs both locally and regionally. I like the way that the tone stays civil here.

    I am tempted to make a donation to Obama myself right now. However- we are not all “elites” as you believe- I have over 35k in student loan debts and am wondering how to pay my bills. I enjoy latte but its a treat once in a while. I am a Democrat- a working class, hard working Democrat who simply wants to see other Democrats elected.


  3. And NN Dem, I’m pretty sure you aren’t on Central. You should know that both states played a high stakes game of chicken and lost. Blame the DNC and blame the state parties. The state parties set the dates and both states wanted to “frontload”.
    Early primaries are a boon to any states economy (and while I don’t have the time or patience to explain more- read one of Larry Sabatos books on this topic). They thought even after warning that the DNC would cave- so don’t blame it on the campaigns- look to the party and specifically the STATE parties.

    If you are still uncertain about this and want to continue to blame Obama,
    I work at a local university and will be more than happy to introduce you to a political science professor to explain this to you. Even better- call the DPVA 1-800-322-1144 and ask how the primary date is determined.

  4. You need to go back to college and take up remedial english and reading comprehension 101. Don’t patronize me. Did you cut those classes? Call 1-800-GET- ACLUE. Maybe you can file for a refund on part of the 35k loan.

    If you could comprehend a simple sentence, you would find this discussion was nothing about how primary dates are selected. The entire point was barry and his surrogates stopped (let me help you here) REVOTES for a slate of DNC “approved” delegates. How shallow is any condemnation of state party leadership without simultaneously fixing the problems created by them. I’m sure everyone thought things would be settled, like the gop, and a slate would be seated regardless.

    So take your message of disenfranchisement (rovian not atwater) back to the orange stain, raising krap, Air Obama Radio and Obamermann. Wrong is wrong whether perpetrated by bush or barry and no real democrat allows it to happen. Let me get this straight, we can never speak out against a democrat when they are seriously wrong on matters of Country or principle because they are democrats? No thanks and if that is slamming somebody, guilty as charged.

    I was happy in being neutral, let the process play out, until the real alienation perpetrated by Obama raised my Irish. And yes, the double entendre is not being nasty to you and not even in the zip code of atwater politics. That is coming up in the fall. Who knows, we might actually be on the same side then, after the shiv has been removed from my back.

  5. Newport News Dem,
    I refuse to deal with you anymore. Your attacks are personal and below what I would expect from Rush Limbaugh.

    I feel sorry for the rest of the amazing Dems in Newport News that have to deal with a loose cannon who not only attacks a candidate, but personally attacks their supporters.

    The state leadership in both states should called out and blame should be placed in the correct position. If DNC laws are unacceptable, change them. Period. The laws regarding primary dates were immutable and these states knew it. The broke the laws and are now paying the consequences. I hate that the votes of my family members there did not count and so do they. But their anger is directed appropriately.

    I am Irish too, but I am a lady who refuses to lower herself to the depth of discourse that you stoop to. I pity you and pray for people like you who impugn others with incendiary language that does little to contribute to a healthy debate.

    You are concerned about the disenfranchisement of these voters, that’s great. But understanding the process and how these voters got shafted in the first place needs to be brought up. I am explaining the root of the issue, which you have chosen to ignore.

    Insulting other blogs also shows your indifference to fellow Virginia Democrats. Raising Kaine is so much more than one candidate and Lowell has done an excellent job on raising awareness on numerous issues.

    So, alienate others all you want and burn all the bridges that you will. As for the fall, next years House races and all the elections ahead- remember that elections will come and go, but personal attacks on fellow local/state Dems are rarely forgotten.
    Insulting me and my education is a personal attack. Yes, I have a lot of student loan debt because as a Democrat I value education. I simply brought that up to dispute your “Obama supporters are wealthy elitists” argument. I’m so far from elitist.

    I have taken up enough of my time and space on this blog refuting these attacks. I leave you with this quote that I hope you think about before you attack another Democrat:
    “You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist.” – Former Prime Minister of Israel Golda Meir

  6. To NND: Have to agree with you.

    Interesting fact I learned today from a Hillary regional director… From the horse’s mouth…

    The Clinton team is contacting their superdelegates very frequently to ensure their retention. However, these Clinton superdelegates are now telling the Clinton team that the Obama team has contacted them (the Clinton superdelegates) and threatening retribution if they do not support him, should he get elected.

    Nice, huh. I never doubted for a moment that Senator Obama and his campaign would be any different than any other candidate and campaign in American history!!!

  7. I suppose being told to STFU is a strange type of prayer in Obamaworld. If you look at who was the first to use venomous personal insults, it was you. Then you follow it up with a bunch of patronizing BS. You must not have enough Irish in ‘ya to understand fighting back.

    You amaze me with your selective outrage, simply amaze me. Clyburn calls us “henchman” and Artur Davis again called us racist today on This Week. Obamermann threatens the life of the Hillary on his show. Me, I get your anger and venom for a cute Obamanation reference. You are too in the tank with your Obama complex to see it.


  8. According to the FEC, the $10 million windfall was another daydream born out of your candidate’s sleeplessness.

    April 23, 2008 1,738,154.61
    April 24, 2008 2,578,730.28

    Liar, liar, maybe you can roast some marshmallows over that Pansuit fire!

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