Tuesday roundup: endorsements, polls

Reminder – Bobby Mathieson is having an event starting at 5:30 this afternoon. Details are here.


Creigh Deeds received the endorsement of former Republican governor Linwood Holton this morning. Holton is the father-in-law of Governor Tim Kaine.


ICYMI – a Facebook poll asking if President Obama should be killed has been pulled, the person who created the poll suspended from using Facebook, and the Secret Service is investigating.


Speaking of polls – the margin between Deeds and McDonnell is narrowing. The latest PPP poll shows McDonnell at 48% and Deeds at 43%.


A blogger writes of “registering as an Independent” in Virginia. But then a Pilot writer does the same thing. I thought the difference between the MSM and bloggers was editors? After I emailed them (and Brian corrected them online), this:

Voters in Virginia register as Republican, Democrat or independent.

was changed to this:

Voters in Virginia do not designate a party affiliation when registering to vote.

I guess having editors who don’t know something is wrong is the same as not having an editor at all.

9 thoughts on “Tuesday roundup: endorsements, polls

  1. Yeah that’s where I saw it first. Patrick said that the online version had been corrected (and I saw your comment there) and that a correction would be printed in tomorrow’s paper.

    Question: how many people read corrections?

  2. Viv,
    Answer: Hardly anyone. Corrections are generally buried on page two and don’t look all that much different from newsbriefs, which people generally don’t read either.

    1. I disagee! The blogs are far more reliable (if you pick your blogs carefully) than the MSM, and especially the newspapers. It shouldn’t be a mystery why the two big newspapers here in HR have laid of hundreds of people in the last two years! Readers have figured it out! No question there are some bad-unreliable blogs, but they are far outweighed by bad-unreliable newspapers!

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