Interesting quote from Beach mayor

“It’s just the right cotton-pickin’ thing to do,” he said.

What a strange choice of words by Virginia Beach Mayor Will Sessoms in an article in this morning’s Pilot.  The topic of the article is the African American Roundtable that the mayor has established.

I don’t know the last time I heard anyone use that phrase. I’d be curious to know if it is a regular part of the mayor’s speech.

In any case, it seems to me that the mayor might want to rethink its use.

Especially when talking about an African American Roundtable.

14 thoughts on “Interesting quote from Beach mayor

  1. Sounds like Willie needs to do some thinkin before he’s speakin’.

    Indeed the good ole boys are in their glory here… Best Mayor money can buy.

  2. We haven’t lived in segregated communities for decades, so I see no rationale to support having special meetings with race-based groups.

    Everyone at the Beach has a City Council member to represent them. To have special meetings with groups based on race creates a divide within the community.

    As a more constructive alternative, I suggest that each Council member hold meetings with their constituents and that the themes of those meetings include topics about promoting positive relations among ALL of the citizens who live in each respective district.

    BTW, “cotton-pickin” is a benign, term and I can’t find fault for anyone for using it. Mr. Sessoms should not be criticized for saying cotton-pickin’ but his idea of holding special meetings with race-based groups is counterproductive and a violation of the cotton-pickin Fourteenth Amendment.

    1. Shouldn’t be criticized for saying “cotton-pickin”? When talking about an African American roundtable?

      Are you kidding me Mr. Balance? Hey, I’m not suggesting that he is in any way a racist. I’m sure it was mere bumbling and poor judgement on his part. Though, not meant to be hurtful, and eventhough he probably is not a racist, his poor choice of words does merit a criticism or two.

    2. While I don’t agree with all of Mr. Ballance’s post, I do agree the Council members should do more town hall type meetings with their constituents, however I am truly led to believe that MANY of our Council members feel THEY know what WE want better than WE do, so they don’t need to meet with us…. As far as meeting with all the different ethnic groups in the City, I feel the Council member represents ALL members of his or her district and these meetings tend to create the sense of separating the needs of one for the needs of another… We’re all in this together.
      Red and yellow, black and white we are precious in his sight.

  3. Oh, c’mon Viv.
    My Dad said cotteon pickin’ all the time. It was a substituted for more salty adverbs. It doesn’t have racial connotatioons, it’s just a figure of speech that sotherners of a certain age use.

    1. 1. I’m guessing that your Dad is older than Sessoms.
      2. Take a look at the PilotOnline postings. Britt understood the point – as did a lot of folks there.

  4. My dad would be in his mid-70s,yes. BTW, sorry for miserable typing Ihave a cast on one hand. If you actually know how to type, it;s hard to hunt and peck.

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