Brian Moran for DPVA chair

If I had a vote in the race for Chairman of the Democratic Party of Virginia, I’d cast it for Brian Moran.  I’m sure that is no surprise to many – after all, I supported Brian for governor in 2009. Those of you who know me, though, know that I don’t let friendship or loyalty or anything else override my sense of what is right and what is wrong. I believe Brian is who we need going into the 2011 elections.

As the photos in this post show, Brian is no stranger to Hampton Roads. I suspect other bloggers from around the state have a similar cache of pictures of him as he traveled around the state, both prior to and during his run for the gubernatorial nomination.  Cynics may say that it was the latter that prompted his travel; regardless of the reason, it is impossible to dispute the fact that Brian knows people in every corner of the Commonwealth, from the party chairs to precinct captains, to elected officials and to donors, big and small.

And people like me, who are neither party chairs nor precinct captains nor elected officials nor a big donor. Because I think that’s what it takes to be an effective leader of this party. I think that’s what it takes to bring people into the party and grow its active membership. That’s what it takes to identify and recruit candidates to run for office at every level.

Brian can hit the ground running in what will be a tough year, with all 140 seats in the General Assembly up for election. If I had a vote, I’d proudly cast it for Brian Moran, because he’s the best man for the job.

8 thoughts on “Brian Moran for DPVA chair

  1. I too backed Brian for governor, and in all likelihood I would back him again should he run for state-wide office. However, I am not sure that a state legislator would make the best party chair. If the job only entails fund-raising than the arguments for Brian make sense. But I want a party chair who has strategies for 1- Retaining or expanding the Democratic majority in the Virginia Senate in 2011; 2- Capturing more seats in the House of Delegates in 2011; 3- Delivering Virginia for Obama and Webb in 2012; Recruiting winning candidates for state-wide office in 2013.
    I hope that both candidates for chair will address these issues before the choice is made.

    1. Dickie Cranwell, the outgoing chair, was a state legislator.

      And Brian, as House Caucus chair, did all the things that you think are important. (One of the photos above is of him at an event for Ralph Northam’s run for Senate in 2007.) He recruited House candidates and increased the number of Democratic members during his tenure.

      And yes, he raised a lot of money for candidates, not just for himself.

  2. I beleive Brian will make an excellent DPVA chair! I beleive he has what it will take to move the DPVA forward! From fund raising and finding great canidates to developing great strategies he’s the one.

  3. I have a vote on the Central/Steering Committees and will be voting for Brian. I think he will do a good job, and is just the energy that the DPVA needs! I appreciate him wanting to put the time in to this job!

  4. If the Democratic Party intends to retreat to NOVAville for the foreseeable future, then Brian will fit in with the Neo-Socialists up there, just fine.

    However, if the Democratic Party is really interested in winning future statewide elections, Mr. Moran is ill-equipped to persuade working class Virginians to join the Democratic Party.

    We need someone who has a proven ability to communicate with the typical Virginian. Perhaps Mr. Perriello will step-up.

    I would love to see our own, Senator John Miller as Chairman, but I think he is focused on serving Virginia’s First District, for now.

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