Labor Day: not just another day off

My email inbox is full of platitudes from politicians about Labor Day. I’ve even gotten a couple of fundraising emails from those who seem to not quite get that everything is not an opportunity to raise money. Today is one of those days.

From the USDOL:

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

Yeah, that.

3 thoughts on “Labor Day: not just another day off

  1. Happy Labor Day 2011!!! I find it interesting that so many folks are “anti-union” in their views. However I don’t hear those folks offering to give up their holidays and weekends that the labor movements struggled so hard to put in place. Child labor, work place safety and other protections and benefits came from the effort of the unions and the member to the improvement of all workers lives. Without unions, we would still be back in the stone age when it comes to our work force society, productivity and family life styles. Employeers don’t provide those things without beng forced into it.

    IMO: Labor day should only be given as a hoiliday to union members and the rest of the non-union work force should just go to work and stop crying.

    It is easy to be anti-union when you get the benefits and don’t have to pay dues. On Labor Day 2011, maybe they should just stop and “say thanks” to the labor unions and the members they so willingly complain about. JMO

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