Get over it? Yeah, right

Statute of Confederate Soldier Erected in Norfolk

Norfolk confederate statute

Lee Hart climbs a ladder to position a granite confederate soldier to the base of a monment in Elmwood Cemetery off Princess Anne Road this morning as members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Pickett-Buchanan Chapter 21, were on hand to watch the installation. PHOTO BY BILL TIERNAN / THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT



Many of the comments in my earlier post about the proposed resolution apologizing for slavery have a “get over it” kind of attitude. And then I click on PilotOnline and see this. Black folks are supposed to “get over” slavery but white folks are allowed to glorify the Confederacy.

Somehow, I think this is a bit of a double standard. If I need to “get over” slavery (despite the fact that the vestiges of slavery remain), then I think y’all need to “get over” this obsession with the Confederacy.

64 thoughts on “Get over it? Yeah, right

  1. Hello everyone, I want to say sorry I am a white male from chicago,il. the stuff i see still in the city of norfolk,va. makes me wounder if slavery has ever ended no it is not opening talked about or seen, but a serious race problem is in this city, a serious poverty of values. if saying sorry makes a difference i am.

  2. I can see why you were not elected, I am black myself as I said in an earlier comment, but frankly you miss are a race baiter.

    Keep in mind that if you wish to follow history the confederates were no more racist then those of the north. (Draft Riots anyone?) Not too mention that blacks in the confederate armies (Oh yeah something else we don’t mention too much these days huh…) were paid the same by law as their white counterparts, AND they served in the same brigades. This was contrary to the north which segragated the units and refused to pay a negro the same as a white.

    Also, during the reunion of the civil war armies – Blacks did not show up for the Union, yet many blacks showed up voluntarily for the Confederacy reunion, I wonder why? – If it was so “evil” why would they show up for it?

    *Those who win the wars, write the history* – simple as that.

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