Off to the Bolling Bloggers Day

I’ll be heading to Richmond tomorrow for the Lt. Governor’s Bloggers Day. I’ll do my best to do a bit of blogging as I move around the capital. If that isn’t possible, look for my take on events Thursday.

If there are any questions that you might want me to ask the LG or any of the other members of the legislature that I might run into, leave them in this thread.

3 thoughts on “Off to the Bolling Bloggers Day

  1. I
    Congrats on being invited and on giving the event good coverage.

    I have one question, though. If Bolling had an invitation only press briefing and invited only the Washington Times and other press outlets he felt comfortable with, would the MSM be congratulating him? Would the MSM be participating?

    This raises, again, the question whether bloggers are or should consider themselves journalists, and what the answer means for the standards that should apply to our work.

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